Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why watching porn is detrimental?

Porn addiction is a burning problem in today’s society. It has a scathing effect on mental health and development. Regular porn watching adversely affect relationships and sex life.

A person with intense porn fantasies finds it challenging to manage enjoyable sex with his partner. They become critics of their partner’s looks, appearances, curiosity, and sexual activities.

A porn addict starts feeling distracted from unselfish and meaningful love. It becomes strenuous for him to remain committed and sincere with his partner.

Now, the question is "is porn bad for you?" Yes, porn graphics have a significant effect on the dopamine levels in the brain. Watching porn regularly can build brain dependency on chemicals.

The viewer keeps searching for more and more pornographic videos to satisfy his lust. He becomes disconnected from his regular work and social life.

It instills aggression and violent sex desires in the person. According to research conducted in 2012, 56% of the porn addict males complained about their increased likeness for extreme and violent sex.

Teenagers who start watching porn at an early age are more likely to engage in sexual activities, sex trafficking, and prostitution. Several western countries are facing abortion and teen pregnancy issues. Children are abducted, beaten, and forcibly drugged to play their parts in porn videos.

Porn addiction creates different reward pathways inside the brain which releases harmful chemicals. These chemicals trigger the person to continue watching porn and keep the brain active. A person develops his sexual fantasies which he finds difficult to practice in real life. Porn delimits the sexual capabilities of the person as his mind is conditioned only to sit and watch.

It makes the person feel complexed about his looks and body figures. The viewers start comparing their body structures with the photoshopped porn stars. They feel disappointed and hence go for cosmetic surgeries. A person becomes a patient of anxiety, depression, isolation, and dysfunction. Porn addiction ruins one’s personality and lifestyle.